Cardio-respiratory fitness (CRF)
The CFR (VO2max) is the most important assessment of the cardio respiratory function. Fitmate allows this assessment through the following tests: Direct measurement of VO2max during an up to maximal exertion incremental exercise protocoll; Extrapolation of VO2max by the measurement of O2 & HR during a sub-maximal incremental exercise; Estimation of VO2max basing on the results achieved during some standard field tests.
Fitness assessment
Fitmate PRO manages also a number of standardized measurements (anthropometrics, cardiovascular muscular fitness & flexibility) really important for the assessment of the overall fitness status
Activity caloric cost
Would you like to know how many calories you burn during an exercise session? Simply Perform a test with Fitmate PRO, the measurement of the oxygen consumed will tell you what is your typical energy expenditure for specific individual exercise or complete training session.
RMR & Daily Caloric Intake
The energy burnt for the resting metabolic processes in humans (RMR) covers the largest portion of the total energy the human body spends in a day. This amount varies widely from person to person and it is quite difficult to measure. Fitmate PRO uses indirect calorimetry to measure RMR with scientific precision and a short questionnaire to estimate the energy expenditure induced by lifestyle, physical activity and exercise.
Once the daily caloric intake is known Fitmate PRO is able to elaborate programs for weight reduction, maintenance or increase, based on the individual subject’s assessment. The programs so elaborated ensure long term and stable results as they incorporate the latest recommendations issued by the most accredited organizations in the field of nutrition.
Fitmate PRO is the ideal instrument for the management of weight control programs, both in the medical and non medical practice. It is the best you can find for diet counseling, for nutritional purpose and in general for the evaluation of any metabolic disorders. Fitmate is a small investment but able to turn shortly into an irremissable source of income. Fitmate is a unique piece of equipment that health and wellness clubs, gyms, professionals and PTs cannot afford to miss.