Thursday, April 26, 2007

Barefoot Science Foot Strengthening System

After years of research, Barefoot Science has developed revolutionary new technologies that are based on the principles of rehabilitative medicine to not only rehabilitate the structure, but actually prevent problems from occurring in the first place.

The Barefoot Science Foot Strengthening System works right inside the shoes to safely stimulate and retrain the muscle-firing sequences necessary to align, stabilize, and lock the foot's interlocking bones, prior to heel strike.

Benefits of Using Barefoot Science
  • Stimulates proper firing of the muscles used to align and stabilize the foot, leading to increased strength and flexibility.
  • Promotes unrestricted range of motion while promoting optimum structural integrity of the foot.
  • Promotes optimum arch height and stability.
  • Enhances alignment throughout the body, relieving tension and stress on the knees, hips, and back.
  • Addresses a host of common foot and gait-related problems.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

SpiroTiger Respiratory Endurance Trainer

Increased performance with respiratory endurance training

Respiratory muscles fatigue during sports activities. This leads to a decrease in performance. Studies by Prof. U. Boutellier, sports physiologist at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ) and the University of Zurich, prove this in a most impressive manner.

In the past, it was assumed that physical endurance and performance were primarily limited by the heart and the cardiovascular system; in part also by the muscular system. This is why it was believed that the respiratory system did not impair the functional capacity since it was assumed that it had sufficient reserves.

The targeted endurance training of the respiratory muscles, however, does substantially increase physical endurance, resulting in a relevant increase of functional capacity. This is true both for top athletes as well as popular sports.

It is due to this fact that the SpiroTiger® has effectively and sustainably convinced more than 1000 users in less than a year's time.

Priorities in energy distribution

The functions of vital organs such as the heart and the brain are maintained by the body as its top priority. Even under maximum stress, these organs are supplied with sufficient oxygen and energy. This happens at the expense of non-vital functions: Oxygen-supply to the legs and arms is reduced. The consequence is a substantial decrease in vitality and a quick build-up of hyperacidity due to lactate production.

Endurance training of the respiratory muscles will remedy this problem. It reduces oxygen consumption by the muscles. The oxygen supply is now available to the peripheral muscles. Legs and arms will fatigue later under stress and will produce less lactate at the same level of activity.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Lactate Pro Portable Lactate Analyzer

Blood Lactate measurement is used by sport scientists, coaches and athletes to accurately determine Heart Rate training zones, recovery and much more. Lactate is a metabolic product that can be measured by taking a drop of blood at a finger tip the same way diabetics monitor their blood sugar level. The blood lactate level increases with exercise intensity and shows clearly the transition from aerobic to anaerobic activity. Since the measurement is completely individual it gives a precise method for testing and monitoring training intensity and recovery. Blood Lactate testing is far more precise than the outdated and inaccurate method of using percentages of maximum heart rate to set training zones. Because heart rate is an individual response, heart rate training zones need to be determined by measurement of physiological variables not set by mathematical formulas. Furthermore, the relationship between exercise intensity and heart rate is different for different exercises, eg. heart rates for running will not be the same as heart rates for cycling for any given intensity. Training programs should not be based on general heart rate guidelines rather they should be based on individual responses. This can be achieved through lactate testing. How much guesswork are you willing to involve in your training and how much time have you got to waste? Do you want to make sure that what you do works optimally for you? Do you want to make the most of the time that you have available? Now you can optimize and take the guesswork out of your training by using the Lactate Pro.

The Lactate Pro is the meter of choice (world wide) of elite teams and sport scientists both for monitoring athlete training and for sport research. In North America it is used heavily by the USA and Canadian National teams, sport scientists, coaches and athletes. It has been featured in "Runner's World Magazine", "Triathlete Magazine", NY Times "Play" Sports Magazine and on "The Lance Chronicles".

The Lactate Pro blood lactate analyzer is fully approved by the FDA and is the only blood lactate test system that is classified as a Waived test by CLIA. The Lactate Pro portable lactate analyzer is the only handheld lactate analyzer to be validated for medical use in the USA (extensive clinical trial was carried out at the Harvard Children's Hospital in Boston). The Lactate Pro blood lactate test clinical trial with GSD type I patients has been published in the Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease. In addition, a summary of the article was published in the summer issues of both the US and UK Association for Glycogen Storage Disease newsletters. The publication states, "A total of 166 intravenous and 39 capillary samples from 13 subjects were tested concomitantly on three different lactate meters (3 different Lactate Pro meters). The meter readings were compared with the lactate concentration determined by the laboratory gold-standard enzymatic colorimetric assay. Almost no inter-meter variability was found. The lactate meter values had outstanding correlation with the laboratory lactate determination,.... The portable lactate meter is a highly accurate tool for monitoring lactate concentrations, and should prove valuable for monitoring metabolic control in patients....". (Pubmed)

Friday, April 20, 2007

Nordic Walking with FaCT Canada

What is Nordic Walking?

Nordic walking also called ski walking, exerstriding, or pole walking, – combines the aerobic and strength building benefits of cross-country skiing with walking. This full-body, cardio-muscular exercise that engages the arms, back, stomach, and legs. This combination promotes circulation, correct breathing, burns more calories than walking alone and develops total body coordination and improved posture; All in a dynamic way that is applicable to a healthy lifestyle.

Nordic walking is one of the safest physical activities. There is an exceptionally easy, low-effort entry into the exercise, and lots of room for growth. This is why a seventy-year-old arthritic grand-mother and Olympic athlete can both participate in Nordic walking together and get something from the exercise. To see it, you wouldn't think that something so simple can be so effective. But it is!

"Even Demi Moore & Suzanne Somers are among the stars reportedly exercising with walking poles."- First For Women Magazine 10/09/06 pg 34.

Are there other benefits that make it so attractive to the average person and athlete alike?Poling is a year round activity designed to be done in urban setting (sidewalks and street surfaces) but can also be done in snow or off road surroundings.

Don't be fooled, just because anyone can do it, it does not mean that it has little exercise value. The activity is the primary dry-land training method for elite competitive skiers - it is a serious exercise.

Our superior quality poles from UrbanPoling were designed by fitness walking pioneer Tom Rutlin and by a panel of CAOT Certification Occupational Therapists. Simply put, UrbanPoling places quality, safety, and performance in front of everything they do. Compare our five star rated products against other cheaper priced poles and see the difference. Occupational Therapists agree that Urban Poles ergonomic design meets the health needs of our customers.

What does Nordic walking have to offer you?

  • Exercise the entire body, including "trunk" muscles, using no more perceived effort than walking
  • Burn from 20-46 % more calories than ‘ordinary’ walking
  • Take damaging stress off of your joints, hips, knees and ankles
  • Greatly increased cardio workout (10-15 more heartbeats per minute than regular walking)
  • Helps maintain and correct posture
  • Can be practiced on almost any terrain (asphalt, gravel, grass, snow, etc.)
  • Don’t wait! Get Nordic walking today!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Impedimed Body Composition Analyzers from FaCT Canada

Single Frequency Bioimpedance for Determining Body Composition

Single frequency bioimpedance analysis (SF-BIA) refers to the determination of body composition by the use of one frequency to measure the impedance of a body. A transformation process is used to convert the "raw impedance data" into a body composition analysis: intracellular (ICF) and extracellular (ECF) fluid, total body water, fat mass, fat free mass, active tissue mass and extracellular mass. The measured impedance of that current is a property of ICF and ECF (called resistance) as well as a property of cellular and ionic components of cell membranes (called reactance). Devices that take both of these measurements into account are referred to as "phase sensitive", and give a more accurate reading than devices that just measure resistance.

Prediction equations
: The transformation of raw impedance data into body composition is achieved through the use of linear regression prediction equations or algorithms. Prediction algorithms are created by collecting the ‘raw impedance data" from a study population of people. This same study population has their body composition determined by alternative known standards such as radioisotope dilution or hydrostatic weighing. Linear regression analysis is then conducted on these data and used to create a prediction equation. This prediction equation generates an equivalent body composition analysis to the reference standard when the impedance data of a subject within the population study is entered into the equation.

Many prediction algorithms for single frequency devices exist and these were generated in populations as diverse as pediatric, the critically ill, the elderly, obese and the general population. For greatest accuracy, the subject being tested should closely match the population from which the algorithm was generated. Age, sex and race all affect the physiology of a person and therefore their impedance measurements are also affected. For this reason, a good single frequency unit will provide a range of algorithms so the device can be applied to a diverse population.

50 kHz, the standard in single frequency bioimpedance: For each individual, there is a frequency that will travel through both the extracellular (ECF) and intracellular (ICF) compartments of the body. The particular frequency of an individual will depend on her or his physiology and studies have shown it can be as low as 35 kHz and as high as 110 kHz, with an average of 50 kHz. Therefore, 50kHz is referred to as the "average characteristic frequency" and is used in all SF-BIA devices.

The ImpediMed DF50: a single frequency bioimpedance device for the determination and monitoring of body composition

The ImpediMedTM DF50 device is a phase sensitive, single frequency body composition analyzer that utilizes a 50 kHz alternating current. The DF50 avoids the "one size fits all" approach that other single frequency devices use for body composition analysis by providing the user with 3 peer reviewed, public domain, prediction algorithms for body composition. These algorithms cover the child, general and obese population groups. Furthermore, the DF50 allows the user to track a subject’s body composition over time using the ImpediMed DF50 body composition analysis software. Access to all raw data and full onboard processing of body composition analysis make the DF50 a portable device, ideal for immediate determination of body composition in a mobile setting such as a clinic, wellness center, gym or for personal use. Unlike other portable single frequency devices such as body composition scales, the DF50 supine measurement procedure follows NIH established guidelines to ensure the most accurate, reliable and reproducible reading.

Introduction to Bioimpedance Spectroscopy (BIS)

Bioimpedance spectroscopy (or BIS) is next generation bioimpedance technology. Bioimpedance spectroscopy employs the measurement of impedance at many frequencies ranging from very low frequencies (4 kHz) to higher frequencies (1000 kHz). Most bioimpedance spectroscopes have used a minimum of 256 different impedance measurements at frequencies within this range. A sophisticated mathematical tool is used to model resistance versus reactance data for each frequency, allowing for a highly accurate determination of total body water, extracellular and intracellular fluid levels within that individual, without the use of prediction equations. Fat and fat-free mass are then calculated.

The ImpediMed SFB7: an accurate BIS device for the determination and monitoring of body composition

The Imp SFB7 BIS device uses a frequency range of 4-1000 kHz with a 256 data point analysis which allows for determination of the Complex Impedance plot with considerably more accuracy than competitive devices using fewer frequencies. In addition to the greater precision provided by testing over this range, the SFB7 is a very low noise device. This significant engineering advance translates into highly accurate and precise estimates of fluid status. The SFB7 BIS device is the benchmark of accuracy and precision providing excellent raw impedance data.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Review of Two Years "Playing with the SpiroTiger"

By Juerg Feldmann

It is now just 2 years, since we seriously started to "play" more with the possibilities of "breathing" training as another way of adding to performance.
Well where do we stand now?
I will try to keep it as simple and as practical as possible. Main reason: It is too confusing for me anyway, so I try to put it into words, so I can understand it myself.
Question: Does training of the respiratory system have the potential of improving performance?
My answer is: Yes, (well there are much smarter people out there, who did some more serious research, who confirm this for us nicely). We tried over the last 2 years different ideas on different levels of clients.
From high performance athletes to severe COPD clients and the average JOE Blow from the road.
Main problem: As in any other field of training, the main problem is:
1. Stick to the program long enough
2. Learn to recognize the difference between functional reaction and structural adaptation.
3. Try to recognize adaptation and as soon as you reach adaptation you have to change the stimulus.
4. Have 3-5 different ideas of using the Spirotiger handy to avoid boring situations.
5. Learn to integrate the equipment into other training units like technique, interval, circuit and so on.
Main problem: People, who push too fast too early on improvement actually will see a very fast functional improvement with the result of actually a loss of performance in the actual activity they do.
Reason: You can learn to move more air very fast by exactly doing the wrong idea, meaning by activating the "emergency" muscles (breathing helper).
In forced inspiration, where the "neck muscles" are getting very active and you actually do a so called sterno-clavicluar breathing, the diaphram has to work against an increased mechanical tension of the abdominal muscles.
Try it out: Sit nice and upright and your "belly" disappears (perhaps) a bit or more, depending on the "volume" down there. Now sit upright and breathe hard and fast in and keep one hand on the abdominal area and you will feel how the muscle is getting "harder". No it does not contract, but because you pull both attachments appart, like you pull an elastic apart, your tension goes up (passively), which makes it harder for the diaphram to contract, because the intestine can not as easy push down and out.
Okay, you can use this as an idea of giving the diaphram some additional resistance to strenghten it. Well maybe?
Now this type of breathing is often done with a power lung or other similar devices. You breathe hard and harder in and out (you can change the resistance for in, as well as expiration. You can do a max of anywhere between 20 - 30 deep breaths, before you get somewhat dizzy (hyperventilation) then you need a rest to recover.
There is one question here. The diaphram is one of the rare muscles, which does not relax immediately, when the antagonist kicks in. Some researchers believe, that it takes about 1/2 the time of expiration before it is completely relaxed, and then the abdominal contraction should kick in. Meaning that the initial outflow should be done over the elasticity loaded on the chest (as it is completely done during the night).
So we may have to learn to let go initially, but be patient with the forced expiration for just a bit.
This would lead to a rhythm of 1:2
1 time unit for breathing in and 2 time units for breathing out.
A good way to try this is when you walk, nordic walk or run with the step count. It is very easy on the bike but it is not so bad as well during cross country skiing. It is just different.
In swimming it seems to be nearly natural with a short breath in and a double stroke breathing out to alternatly breath left and right anyway.
Now with this idea we run against the "school" belief, that under work the breathing will be always 1:1. well may be or perhaps we never tried it differently?
It could as well be, that as soon we have to breathe 1:1 the metaboreflex kicks in anyway, because breathing is now the main problem of performance?
Now there is a second problem with the sterno-clavicular breathing and forced expiration. You may get a kind of an air entrapment. Practically you can see, that as soon as people start breathing this way, they have a problem to get the bar graph to the middle (they stay on the left side) meaning they do not breathe in enough. Well they can't, because they do not breathe first enough out. They produce the feeling like people with asthma may have. Inspiration situation, because of lack of expiration. So if you now try to force quickly the air out over abdominal contraction, you get quickly the air out, but again not enough, because your diaphram is not relaxed yet and keeps the volume in the costal-abdominal area open, so air can stay there, even though you thought you push really all the air out.
So the result of all of this is, that you have like in any other sport or motion, you have to learn first the proper technique, before you push performance, but as so often, are we patient enough? Most likely not.
Here a very short summary on how or what we do with breathing and the SpiroTiger.

1. Breathing technique without equipment "endogeneous breathing"
Goal breathe in with the diaphram and learn to use the abdominal to breathe out but as well learn to relax again to avoid the above problem.

2. Start using the user set only for inspiration and expiration with some resistance. The user set only with some small changes can be used the same way as a power lung but you can avoid hyperventilation, as well as the price is the same as a power lung.
Start breathing without the "stress" of the pacing by the steering unit. Problem here is you use the user set together with the handle, but without connection the the steering unit. Problem: you do not know, when you are getting hypoxic and hypercapnic, so you only can use this idea, if you use an O2 sat meter to control the proper O2 sat. If you breathe properly, your O2 sat will stay the same as in rest and or often will actually increase if not already on 99 or 100%. Now if you feel O2 sat high and you are getting somewhat dizzy you hyperventilate and you breathe a bit less intense, or take a bigger bag.
If your O2 sat drops you have to breathe deeper and if the O2 sat does not increase you have to take a smaller bag or use one of our clamps to reduce the size of the bag.
If you like to increase inspiration as well as expiration resistance before you go up with the bag size you can add the filter to it, and if you feel problem with inspiration take the mask to be able to breath in through the nose.
So this version would give you a kind of a beginner set. User set plus O2 sat meter without steering unit and handle.
Later you can ubgrade it to the full unit where you have the "caddilac" of the training device, as soon you see progress and you start to test your respiratory system the same way as you test your legs or your body on a treadmill or on a wattage trainer.
Now with the full set, SpiroTiger plus O2 sat you have a full set of possibilities.
a) Increase the ability of a bigger tidal volume
b) work on the coordination of inspiration/expiration (timing between abdominal contraction and diaphram activity)
c) integrate it into a technical training as a IHT
Bike 5 min on PC or normal bike followed by 5 min biking (much less wattage) in combination with breathing (check O2 sat not below 92%)
d) push 30 sec hard on the wattage trainer or sprint, followed immediatly by breathing (check your O2 sat, stop breathing with the device as soon it drops to 92% but keep checking the O2 sat. Adjust the length of the interval (check with a spiro expert first).
Use the user set as a IHT with sitting only (specific technique)
Use the user set with activity for IHT
Use the full unit before or after races or training for what ever you like to achieve.
Bar graph can be moved for more hypocapnia or more hypercapnia.
Check out the possible link between epinephrine surge and hypoxia/hypercapnia.
There is as well a possible link between controlled hypercapnia/hypoxia and reaction on the cardiovascular system. Studies show a hyperdynamic state defined by tachtcardia, high cardiac output and a reduction in systemic vascular resistance. The Pa CO2 is as well a very potent stimulus for increased respiratory activity.
As before the question is about safety.
We not drop the O2 sat further than 90% in any of our trainings, and the Pa CO2 in the tested cases stayed well below the critical number of 80, well actually we kept it to be on the safe side below 55 as an acute hypercapnic situation.
There are some studies out there suggesting a PaCO2 of 48 - 55 is one of the most optimal levels to adress this above situation in healthy people and as well use the increased CO2 level as a possible antioxidant stimulation?
Well that's it for the moment.
It may be that the education branch of FaCT with Dr. A. Sellars (who runs very great FaCT certification courses in Canada and in the USA may start to add some SpiroTiger courses as well). Check our web site for possible ideas and come back with questions.

Geoff Kabush

Geoff Kabush is having a phenomenal start to the MTN bike season. He recently won both the short track and cross country at the first stop of the US NOVA National series followed by wins in both the time trial and cross country at the Sea Otter Classic. Geoff has been a FaCT trained athlete for over 10 years, coached by FaCT's Juerg Feldmann.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

FaCT Canada: History continued

Juerg’s knowledge of endurance training and Herb’s expertise with computer technology led to the unique lactate/heart rate training system known as fact. Six years of practical research in the field proved the effectiveness of the test in determining accurate training intensities for endurance sports. A Lactate Balance Point (LBP) is established using lactate measuring and heart rate monitoring during a standardized test. The results are easily interpreted with custom software which produces a printout of a graphic and analysis of the test. Geoff Kabush and Ryder Hesjdal, Canadian elite cyclists and Olympians are coached by Juerg and train with the fact system. These athletes use a Lactate Pro making it possible to continually monitor and send feedback to their coach.

The fact system has been used for biking, cross-country skiing, running and even with exercise equipment such as elliptical trainers. Juerg has had excellent results using the system to determine safe but effective levels of exercise intensity for rehabilitation of heart patients. FaCT offers testing for individuals, testing workshops for groups and certification courses in the system through FaCT Education (

Over the years FaCT has branched out to offer other leading edge sport performance products, always searching for the latest and most effective technology. The company holds the distribution rights for Spirotiger respiratory endurance trainer from Switzerland for both Canada and the US. As well, FaCT has Canada-wide distribution for Rotor Innovative Cycling products from Spain and the Impedimed Body Composition Analyzers from Australia. It’s also one of the largest Canadian retailers of heart rate monitors, offering both Polar and Timex products. FaCT carries an extensive stock of innovative sports technology products that retails through and at the local retail outlet and physiotherapy rehabilitation centre in Quesnel, BC.

Both Juerg and Herb continue to be active in endurance sports such as running, cross-country skiing and cycling. And, as FaCT has grown, they’ve continued to encourage and support athletes at all levels from recreational to elite world class to be the best that they can.

Monday, April 16, 2007

FaCT Canada: A short history

When Juerg Feldmann, Swiss trained Physiotherapist and university sport teacher arrived in Canada, he already had a long list of athletics and coaching experience behind him. A former member of the Swiss National Speedskating Team, Juerg had not only worked with elite athletes at St Moritz high altitude training centre and coached the largest track and field club in Switzerland, he had also coached the Swiss Nordic Combined Ski Team leading to the Calgary Olympics in 1988. Shortly after immigrating to Canada with his family, Juerg met Herb Chlebek at a triathlon practice for a group of enthusiasts in Quesnel, BC. A Masters Athlete in mountain biking, cross-country skiing, running and triathlon, Herb held Bachelors and Masters of Science degrees from Simon Fraser University, and taught computer studies. He shared his years of experience in endurance sports through coaching and fitness education at the school.

Since they were practically neighbours, it wasn’t long before they started running, biking and strength training together at nearby Ten Mile Lake Park. These regular sessions afforded lots of time to talk and to formulate ideas, including how to improve training methods to enhance performance outcomes. The result was the start up of FaCT Canada Consulting Ltd. with Herb as Business Manager and Juerg as head of Science, Technical Support and Customer Training.

In business now for ten years, FaCT (Feldmann and Chlebek Training) began mainly as a consulting business, providing workshops for endurance sports. When it became obvious that there was a market for endurance sports technology but a void in accessibility of product, FaCT moved into product sales with a Lactate Analyzer, the Accusport.

In 1999, FaCT obtained the North American distribution rights to the most widely used Portable Lactate Analyzer in the world, the Lactate Pro from Japan. Some 15,000 are currently in use worldwide. Still the sole importer and distributor of the meter and test strips, FaCT has put nearly 2000 Lactate Pro meters into circulation in North America to date. The list of organizations that FaCT supplies with Lactate Pro meters and test strips reads like a Who’s Who of national athletics organizations. They include every major National Team in the U.S. and Canada such as USA Swimming, Swimming Canada, USA and Canadian ski and biathlon teams, national rowing, and canoe and kayak teams, as well as Olympic and National training centres, coaches and athletes. FaCT also supplies to scores of universities, hospitals and veterinary clinics. Prestigious universities such as University of California Davis and University of Calgary use the Lactate Pro for research in human performance. Sales continue briskly despite some new competing products now on the market, a certain testament to the quality, reliability and effectiveness of the Lactate Pro.

Check us out at: