The Lactate Pro is the meter of choice (world wide) of elite teams and sport scientists both for monitoring athlete training and for sport research. In North America it is used heavily by the USA and Canadian National teams, sport scientists, coaches and athletes. It has been featured in "Runner's World Magazine", "Triathlete Magazine", NY Times "Play" Sports Magazine and on "The Lance Chronicles".
The Lactate Pro blood lactate analyzer is fully approved by the FDA and is the only blood lactate test system that is classified as a Waived test by CLIA. The Lactate Pro portable lactate analyzer is the only handheld lactate analyzer to be validated for medical use in the USA (extensive clinical trial was carried out at the Harvard Children's Hospital in Boston). The Lactate Pro blood lactate test clinical trial with GSD type I patients has been published in the Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease. In addition, a summary of the article was published in the summer issues of both the US and UK Association for Glycogen Storage Disease newsletters. The publication states, "A total of 166 intravenous and 39 capillary samples from 13 subjects were tested concomitantly on three different lactate meters (3 different Lactate Pro meters). The meter readings were compared with the lactate concentration determined by the laboratory gold-standard enzymatic colorimetric assay. Almost no inter-meter variability was found. The lactate meter values had outstanding correlation with the laboratory lactate determination,.... The portable lactate meter is a highly accurate tool for monitoring lactate concentrations, and should prove valuable for monitoring metabolic control in patients....". (Pubmed)
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