Sunday, February 17, 2008

Juerg Feldmann

In some of my upcoming blogs I will be posting some of Juerg Feldmann's insights first published on the Fact Canada Forum.

Juerg is a brilliant guy who (I am proud to say) is my friend and business partner in Fact Canada. I would never have dreamed that the guy to whom I was introduced at a Triathlon training session some 18 years ago would completely change the direction of my future. It just so happened that Juerg and his family's new home was only a short jog from my house so it was natural, with our common interest in endurance sport, we would spend some time training together. It was during these training sessions that our friendship matured and ideas were discussed that eventually led to the formation of Fact Canada Consulting Ltd.

Juerg is a truly amazing fellow with a wealth of knowledge in human performance and exercise physiology. He has a dual education (Switzerland) in Sport and Physiotherapy as well as years of practical experience working with elite athletes and teams in both a coaching and testing role. He currently runs a very successful and popular Physiotherapy Clinic specializing in active rehabilitation.

Although he doesn't carry the "PhD" letters behind his name or work in a university, in my mind he is a true scientist. He doesn't stop at just questioning accepted theories if they don't make sense in his mind. He will research the publications and do practical testing till he thinks he has some answers, often using himself as well as his friends and athletes as the test subjects. He will spend dozens of hours developing case studies that lead to some insight. He will formulate new ideas and test, test, test. If he comes up with revelations that he later finds don't make sense due to some new information he has discovered, he will be the first to say so and go off in the new direction.

Stay tuned and visit our website and Forum for more information.

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