Sunday, October 25, 2009

PhysioFlow Non-Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring

PhysioFlow Enduro is a small and portable, battery-powered, noninvasive cardiac output device that was designed primarily to be used while a subject (or patient) is exercising. Enduro is unique in that it is the only noninvasive device that can reliably and repeatedly provide cardiac output and other hemodynamic parameters during exercise.

PhysioFlow is finding wide application in patient and physician office care settings; everywhere that accurate, noninvasive determination of cardiac output and other hemodynamic parameters are needed.

PhysioFlow Enduro is the first ICG product that has proven useful for serious amateur or professional level sports training. Its improved performance during exercise and enhanced muscle-artifact rejection brings noninvasive, cardiac monitoring to many types of athletic conditioning/training programs.

We have been using the PhysioFlow Enduro to analyze/monitor hemodynamic parameters associated with Sport Training. Setting training programs using personal cardiac output and other hemodynamic data optimizes your individual training plan to a degree never before possible.

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